A Book of French Wines
Just before his death at Lyons at the end of April 1960 Mr. P. Morton Stand had produced an entirely reconstructed version of his standard work which first appeared in 1928: a complete guide to all the wines of France.
The chapters on individual wines, vineyards, and methods of manufacture have been revised and considerably augmented, and there is NEW chapter on changed tastes in wine. There is also a new chapter on the reorganization of French wine-growing resulting from the comprehensive legal machinery for the protection of "appellation of origin".
The author was not content to sing the joys of claret and burgundy only; he discussed the merits of the numerous lesser growths and even petits vins with gusto and appreciation. He had a keen historical sense, and his book continually fires the imagination with anecdotes. A special feature of it is the appendix , which gives the statute governing every French wine to which an appellation of origin has been granted-a system now effectively protects the consumer against fraud in descriptions.
The obituary in the Times of May 2nd, 1960, was supplemented by appreciatory letters from Mr. Andre L. Simon and Mr. John Betjeman.