They Thought for Themselves: Daring to Confront the Forbidden
Author Sid Roth was instructed in a dream to find and interview people who had broken through the mold of their previous experiences to achieve their destiny. These are the people he interviewed. These are their stories and this is your time for your breakthrough!
"Learn to live with it!" / David Yaniv --
ZZZZ Best / Barry Minkow --
The survivor / Rose Price --
A new song / Alyosha Ryabinov --
Yiddishkeit / Sharon R. Allen --
There must be something more? / Sid Roth --
Tradition or truth? What I learned about rabbinic Judaism / Michael L. Brown --
It was not for me / Randy and Tricia Horne --
Bat shalom : Daughter of Zion / Batya Segal --
The amazing Jewish book and the God-shaped hole in my soul / Manny Brotman
"Learn to live with it!" / David Yaniv --
ZZZZ Best / Barry Minkow --
The survivor / Rose Price --
A new song / Alyosha Ryabinov --
Yiddishkeit / Sharon R. Allen --
There must be something more? / Sid Roth --
Tradition or truth? What I learned about rabbinic Judaism / Michael L. Brown --
It was not for me / Randy and Tricia Horne --
Bat shalom : Daughter of Zion / Batya Segal --
The amazing Jewish book and the God-shaped hole in my soul / Manny Brotman